Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Purse babies are for boys too!
Olivia loves to be grandmas little tester!
Cute hand painted purse babies! $7 includes 1 random purse baby and hand sewn purse. Your baby will be unique. Hand painted by me. Your purse baby comes with one carry purse and if desired your special child's name painted on the bottom. You may request boy or girl purse /sets only. Other than that your special babies will be a surprise. Each additional baby is $3 . Hurry the orders are coming in fast! This is an introductory low price. Make sure you have time to get yours by Christmas. Perfect stocking stuffers. 💕bonus surpise💕Random orders will receive a surprise pet in their purse! 435-770-4517 . Not recommended for children under 3 yrs.. May be paid through square invoice *shipping is extra.
Sew fun project for fall
Purse babies! My new fun thing!
Cute hand painted purse babies! $7 includes 1 random purse baby and hand sewn purse. Your baby will be unique. Hand painted by me. Your purse baby comes with one carry purse and if desired your special child's name painted on the bottom. You may request boy or girl only. Other than that your special babies will be a surprise. Each additional baby is $3 . Hurry the orders are coming in fast! This is an introductory low price. Make sure you have time to get yours by Christmas. Perfect stocking stuffers. 💕bonus surpise💕Random orders will receive a surprise pet in their purse! 435-770-4517 . Not recommended for children under 3 yrs. May be paid through square invoice *shipping is extra. #pursebabies #stockingsforeveryone #stockingstuffers # santashelper#girlcandybydiana
Great for taking to church or other quiet time .
Monday, November 3, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Working on a new design a fall wreath
Fall is in the air.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Wonky mug square
Cathederal block pin cushion
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Just some fun going ons! Wish you were here!
Monday, September 15, 2014
Yay. My craft room re-do is almost finished!