Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Wow it's been a crazy few months

I have not posted once through the holidays ! It's been super fun and crazy few months things are slowing down a bit so, I

wanted to pop in and post a few fun things I've been working on while I've been gone.   This cute little apron I made for liv was lots of fun!  

This was one of the swaps I did .  I love the bright colors I used .  I hope my swap partner loved it as much as I did!  It's a bottle cozy, a pin cushion , and a surprise package.   With buttons, beads and a few other notions.  Some yummy funnies and lemon heads.    

Above, is the adorable swap package I received .  Super super cute!  I loved the little Minnie dwell house pincushion my partner sent to me!  I think it's safe to say I am officially hooked! Swaps are the funnest!  ( yes I know funnest is not proper grammar!   Lol)  hope you enjoy this little extra post ill try to be more diligent about posting! Please make sure to follow my blog!  ðŸ’—😜💅💕

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Purse babies are for boys too!

I have a grandson and I was always so frustrated that there wasn't anything out there for boys!  All the cute hand made goodies were for girls.  But have no fear,  I haven't forgotten those cute boys that need to build their imagination too!  

Olivia loves to be grandmas little tester!

She is loving  lugging handfuls of these around!  

She takes them all around the house! 

Text me to order some for your lil pumpkin!  435-770-4517

Cute hand painted purse babies!  $7 includes 1 random purse baby and hand sewn purse. Your baby will be unique. Hand painted by me.  Your purse baby comes with one carry  purse and if desired your special child's name painted on the bottom.  You may request boy or girl purse /sets only.  Other than that your special babies  will be a surprise.  Each additional baby is $3 . Hurry the orders are coming in fast! This is an introductory low price.  Make sure you have time to get yours by Christmas.  Perfect stocking stuffers.  💕bonus surpise💕Random orders will receive a surprise pet in their purse!  435-770-4517 .   Not recommended for children under 3 yrs..  May be paid through square invoice *shipping is extra.

Sew fun project for fall

I pulled out my old paints.  I've had for 20 years!  I think I need some fresh new ones!  

I have really had the crafting/ painting bug here lately and decided I'm going to pull out my paints and get back to business!  I used tio do a lot of painting and did a lot of design work. I was a decoart designing artist and loved being a representative for them . I have decided to get active with that again so keep watching and you'll see some fun stuff coming up!  Here is a mixed medium  design.  A fall doll in a wreath with painted shoes and painted face.  Let me know what you think about how she turned out.  

Tada!  Ready for my old widow decor.   Comment below and follow my blog if you'd like a pattern!  I'll pick 1 lucky person to win. 

Purse babies! My new fun thing!

Cute hand painted purse babies!  $7 includes 1 random purse baby and hand sewn purse. Your baby will be unique. Hand painted by me.  Your purse baby comes with one carry  purse and if desired your special child's name painted on the bottom.  You may request boy or girl only.  Other than that your special babies  will be a surprise.  Each additional baby is $3 . Hurry the orders are coming in fast! This is an introductory low price.  Make sure you have time to get yours by Christmas.  Perfect stocking stuffers.  💕bonus surpise💕Random orders will receive a surprise pet in their purse!  435-770-4517 .   Not recommended for children under 3 yrs. May be paid through square invoice *shipping is extra.  #pursebabies #stockingsforeveryone #stockingstuffers # santashelper#girlcandybydiana 

Great for taking to church or other quiet time .  

Do you like them?  Comment below to request and I'll post a tutorial!  

Monday, November 3, 2014

My finished wreath!

Love the finished wreath. Hung and ready to show off.  I hope you all love it as much as I do.  

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Working on a new design a fall wreath

I have been Sewing, stitching, and painting .  I'll be working on finishing the wreath tomorrow. Can't wait to see the finished project tomorrow.  
Bringing out the beauty in her rosy cheeks with decoart paints .  Watch for the pattern soon .  

Dressing her and putting on her hair.  Sure looks like fall to me!  
Checking her out on the design wall.  I think she looks good.  Can't wait to see her on the wreath.